Robust Builds

Three unique server builds designed specifically for individual, medium-sized and group medical practices.

Extensive research has gone into our system designs.

Our associates have years of experience when it comes to selecting the manufacturer's of individual components to go within our computer systems. We constantly ensure that our manufactured suppliers maintain rigorous ethical standards & reliability

 We carefully select our components to meet the needs of the system build

Synchronicity is paramount when it comes to motherboard design all of the individual electronic components must synergize and flow to handle not just constant state workload but increased workload when demands are made this is especially true when it comes to processing data and balancing the needs of the operating system's fundamental needs and additional programs synergizing where the operating system above and beyond its baseline parameters.

 Robustness & Resilience

In order to increase the longevity of the computer systems usage all our individual components are selected with military grade redundancy & longevity in mind. As a result many of our computer system builds have lasted longer than 12 years! This longevity is especially paramount when the computer systems are financed over an extended period of time. Additionally, for tax purposes having a reliable long-lived computer system is paramount for long-term tax advantages. Therefore we d handpick our components to be in synchronistic in ratio and in harmony with others memory frequencies are synergize with CPU frequencies GPU frequencies are synergize with CPU frequencies.

Excessive Temperatures & Contaminants are the Enemy

When it comes to selecting our server and system cases we have chosen suppliers that focus on not only maintaining a narrowband optimal operating temperature, but also minimizing any contaminants that would affect the longevity of our individual components. Each of our system build has remarkable HEPA filters which can easily be maintained or replaced. The cooling systems have a dynamic controller which automatically adapts to changing workloads to maintain a constant temperature within the parameters ultimately designed for the components.

Benchmark Testing

all of our computer systems go through a rigorous benchmark test for 72 hours, stress testing each component area & aspect of the system is tested to the maximum. This final test ensures that the computer system is fully functional and capable of handling any situation.

Expansion & Adaptability

Each of our three system build has various levels of expandability and adaptability to potential changing situations. Therefore we help our clients discern their current and future needs and selects the appropriate system build capable of handling the longevity of their needs, demands & financial decisions when making decisions on their purchase. 

Financing Options

We have partnered with financial institutions that provide the most flexible financing options with regards to each of our system builds. Our knowledgeable sales team will work with you to select the best possible option for your current and future financial needs and synergize them with your selected system build.

Three System Builds

We offer three unique system builds from mini ITX to full ATX. Each case is preinstalled with removable HEPA filtration systems and extra circulatory cooling systems. We only use high-grade military components on our main boards. Each system is expandable with premium fully expandable for multiple graphics cards and multiple storage devices.


  • M ITX Air Filtration Server
  • 24" IPS Eye Care Monitor
  • Standard Keyboard & Mouse
  • 1 GB M2 SSD+(Backup)
  • Secure WIFI 6
  • Porjapto EMR
  • Customizable Options
  • Flexible Financing Options

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  • ITX Air Filtration Server
  • 27" IPS Eye Care Monitor
  • Ergonomic Keyboard & Mouse
  • 2 GB M2 SSD+(Backup)
  • Secure WIFI 6
  • Porjapto EMR
  • Customizable Options
  • Flexible Financing Options

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  • ATX Hybrid Air Filtration Server
  • 32" Curved Eye Care Monitor
  • Ergonomic Keyboard & Mouse
  • 6 GB M2 SSD+(Backup)
  • Secure WIFI 6
  • Porjapto EMR
  • Customizable Options
  • Flexible Financing Options

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